Though spring officially begins in March, here in the Finger Lakes, it’s May that truly embodies all that spring is meant to be: a time of rebirth, a time of refreshment, and a time of rejuvenation.
I see it as I walk in the morning: buds opening on lilacs, leaves suddenly adorning branches that have stood bare for months, fog dissipating into blue skies. The air is cool, but the sun warms it quickly. The birds wake me up, and the sound of rain lulls me to sleep. It’s this spring that I yearn for all winter. It’s this spring that reinvigorates my spirit for months to come.
And it’s this time of year, in particular, that I’m able to find the little miracles in each and every day. As the world fills back up with color, I count my blessings as I’m able to get outside and explore a never ending palette of inspiration.
It’s flowers that most remind me how miracles can be found in the littlest of things. And it’s for this reason that I love to paint them. They make me and others around me happy. They know no limits when it comes to color, or texture, or shape. They come in the most magnificent mixtures and carry the most beautiful scents.
I find myself feeling a bit silly when I tell people that my favorite thing to paint is flowers. After all -- are they not the most basic item placed in a still life from the time we’re in school? But then I remember this: Life is all about finding the small miracles; looking deep into seemingly simple things like flowers and realizing the impossibly complex striations of color, patterns of texture, and other details that make each one different from the next.
Don’t shrug the simple off as ordinary. Remember that inspiration is everywhere. From the intricate details that adorn an old stairway banister to the perfectly drooping willow tree on your front lawn, there is so much more to be seen than meets the eye at first glance.
With spring comes new life. With new life comes new miracles to discover. Take a closer look. Find the little miracles surrounding you.